The Incredible Flamin' Groovies Movie

From award-winning filmmakers, William Tyler Smith and Kurt Feldhun, comes a feature length documentary about the Flamin' Groovies, one of rock and roll's most colorful and influential bands that you've never heard of.  

The production of The Incredible Flamin Groovies Movie has been made possible by the generous contributions of numerous supporters. We would like to publicly express our deep gratitude to the following individuals:

Stefan Ahistrom

Michael Allen

John Alusick

Tara Anderson

Henrik Angetun

Federico Garcia Aniorte

John Audubon

Dylan Baldwin

Jacques Ball

Geoffray Barbier

Thomas Barnes


Judith Beeman

Sharon Behmer

John Benda

Nancy Benjamin

Frank Berman


Gregg Boutilier

Lea Brandenburg

Jenny Brandt


Timm Buechler

Tony Buckley

Chris Burnstin

Pamela Caryl

Scott Charbonneau

Lori Christian

Cory John Cirelli

Mann N. Cognito

Dawn R. Cook

Denise Etchart Cooper

Troy Corey

Pamela Corey

Lisa Currie

Amy D

Marcel Daguerre

Richard D’Angelo

Clara de la Torre

Josephine DeMichele

Amy Hope Dermont

Andrea Diamond

M. Rose & M. Diehl

Glen Dooley

Simon Egleton

Evolutionary Guidance

Tony Eubanks

Frank Farmer

Lawrence Feldhun

Gary Field

Jon Fox

Mark Frankel

Leuan Franklin

Tony Fratis

John Gantner

Marlene Goldman

Jason Grossman

Eric Guevara

Gary S. Gumowitz

Jolie Hamer-Conroy

Amy Handy



Mollie Hart

Greg Hay

Mike Hayes

Thomas Haymes

Robert Hersch

Louis Hinkle

Terry Hughes

Stephen Hoover

Karen Hoyden

Grant Hudson

Jerrie & Glenn Hughes

Chris Hutcheson

Barbara Ireland

Madonna M. Ivan

Ann Jackman

Panita C. Jayapani

Erana Katrounis

Meredith Kaulfers

Claude Kerven

Ann Kiuchi-DiPuccio

Robert Kleinman

Sangjin Ko

Paul Kopf

Gary Krampf

Michael Laibson

David Laing

Pierre Langlois

Luca Lanini

Linda Leather

Matthew L. Levine

Harris Levy

Lawrence Lipkin

Troy Lund

Paul Lynch

Blake Maddux

Jamie Manley

Nancy Mattice

Paul McDaniel

Randall Mellenberger

Dory Messenger

Kathy Miller

Mr. Mike


Andre Moshenberg

Eric Myers

Blima Naut

Jennifer Nelson

Ron Nies

Yoshisato Nitta

Dan Nowak

John Oliver

David Orbach

Shirley Ordway

Jack Parks

Patti and Chuck

Ray Paul

Eric Pearl

Christopher Pennington

Kevan Peterson

Dave Platt

Elmer Ploetz

John J. Pope

John Poole

Steven Preston

Randy Price

Brais R. Prieto

Tassos Rigopoulos

Kevin Riley

Dana Roark

Carolyn Robinson

Nuno Robles

Eliana M. Rodriguez

Caesar Rye

Andre Salerno

Amy Sammartino

Michael Sandoval

Troy Scalise

Robert Schell

Rina Schnaufer

William K. Scurry, Jr.

Adrian Seeley

Dan Sexton

Lyric Seidensticker

Dan Sexton

Ellen Silver

Eric Silver

Jason Singer

Doug Sippy

David Smith

Michael Smith

Sandy Sneddon

Clarissa Sosin

Dayla Soul

Stefan Sousa

Jon Stout


Paul Suwan

Mike Teague

Jef Thome

Siri Baruc Thornton

Tiny Peeg Productions

Matt Triggs

Mike Trutanich

Bernard Tubiana

Viviane Tubiana

Larry Tucker

Justin Tunstall

Michael Unger

Tito Uquillas

Velouria Records

Thomas Wallis

David Warshauer

Larry Weiner

Stuart White

Edmund Wilkinson

Gina Williams

Rob Wilson

Barry Wolfe

Kay Wolfley

Paul Graham Wood

William Yates

Glen Yee

Nick Yellen